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Starting Pitfalls

Ok so you have joined the 5k class and you’re about to become a runner , You got the new running shoes and clothes, looked at local running routes and trails. Now lets have a look at some of the issues that confront all beginners Your research may have also yielded plenty of lists and articles of reasons you should start running. While all those reasons are encouraging and likely half the reason you’ve committed to running in the first place.

They are the pitfalls and difficulties of running that often derail new runners before they really get started. This list is not meant to discourage you from running—just the opposite—but to make you aware of some of its challenges so that you can prepare and set yourself up for a long and successful running journey with us..

Thinking of quitting

All the enthusiasm in the world will only get you so far when you start running. Eventually, you’re likely to encounter some kind of barrier, be it not being able to break a certain pace or run further than a mile without stopping. When you hit a plateau like that, it’s tempting to throw in the towel on running altogether because you don’t yet have the experience of conquering obstacles like those. Try and think about other non-running breakthroughs you’ve had to remind yourself that you’re capable of pushing through something difficult. Then, make a plan to reach your goal; with the other people in your 5k class

You Might find it addictive and get Obsessed

Once you clear the giving up hurdle, you might find that things swing in the other direction. Running can be certainly be addicting—in a good way—but it can easily become an obsession. While there’s nothing wrong with making running a priority, it can be a slippery slope to sacrificing other aspects of your life to accommodate it. If you find yourself getting less than a healthy amount of sleep to fit in a run, constantly saying no to a night out with your friends in favour of waking up for your long run the next day, drastically changing the way you eat or eliminating food groups altogether, or beating yourself up for not hitting a particular weight, mileage, or pace goal, it’s time to take a step back. Running is a healthy habit, but cutting out other healthy or pleasurable aspects of your life is detrimental to your overall well-being.

Avoiding injury

Running is a pretty straight-forward sport, but there are a surprising number of ways you can get injured. From blisters and chafing, to cramps and stomach issues, to sprains and tears, running can easily go wrong if you’re not prepared. The good news is that many injuries are completely preventable. Wearing well-fitting shoes and cushioned socks can stave off blisters, and creams and compression apparel can help with chafing. Adequate warm up can ward off some cramps, while watching what and how much you eat before you run, as well as staying hydrated, will prevent stomach problems. More serious injuries like sprains and tears can be harder to prevent, but ramping up your mileage slowly and keeping up with your cross-training will definitely help you stay strong.

The Comparison Game

While you will probably compare yourself to other runners from time to time throughout your running journey- you’re only human, after all—you’re most vulnerable to the comparison game when you first start running. When you don’t completely know what you’re doing and look to other runners for an example, it’s easy to think you should be running as fast or as often as someone else without knowing anything about their experience. If you really admire another runner, try asking for their advice instead of comparing yourself to them; even if they have been running for a long time, they can give you tips about how they worked their way up. And look for a local beginners’ running group or pair up with a friend from the class who is just starting out too; working out with runners of a similar experience level is a great way to feel like you’re right on track.

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