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Salesforce May 40k & The Race That Nearly Wasn't - Beat Covid 19 - Fight Cancer

Join your Salesforce colleagues and register today for The Race That Nearly Wasn’t and commit to walk/run 2km a day for 20 days this May, to help fund life-saving cancer research!

Already hundreds of Salesforce employees have participated in The Race That Nearly Wasn’t during the month of April raising thousands of Euro for Breakthrough Cancer Research. Now as the lockdown continues but we still need to exercise, we are looking for Salesforce runners and walkers to continue this challenge and help fund research to develop new and better treatments for some of the hardest to treat cancers.

Steps to take

1. Register as normal using the Race That Nearly Wasn’t entry.
2. Use your Salesforce email.
3. Download the Your Virtual Race app or update to the latest version id a previous participant.
4. Select the Salesforce May 40km challenge on the app.
5. Use the app for each 2km walk or run and complete and save at the end of each session.

Please note we are jumping into an existing event and so outside of internal comms the event emails will refer to the overall fund-raising event.

Let’s have some fun and do this for cancer research.

Please note the Salesforce May 40k in an event within the Race That Nearly Wasn’t and so outside of internal comms the event emails will refer to the overall fund-raising event.

Let’s have some fun and do this for cancer research.

Breakthrough Cancer Research’s mission to achieve 100% survival for 100% of cancers must continue. Research is already having an impact and there are now more people surviving cancer than ever before. Sadly, however, cancer still kills one person every hour in Ireland and will still be with us after we beat the corona virus. We can use the lockdown and 2km restrictions to beat both COVID19 and cancer!

What is a virtual race?

This race is just like any other race, but with one exception – you choose when and where you do it!

You can to it around your back garden in isolation or run or walk by yourself within a 2km radius of your home and the app will look after the rest.

You can keep your social distance of at least 2m at all time, get some exercise and support cancer research all while observing the 2km COVID19 restrictions.

2km a day for 20 days, that’s a marathon, even while isolated.

Check out our FAQ's for more and the How to take part section below



May 2020


Just step outside your front door and start


When suits you

What your need to do.

Run/walk 2km each day for 20 days


2020 has already been a year like no other and the current pandemic is a crisis the likes of which we have never faced before. Daily life has changed dramatically for everyone as we attempt to tackle the spread of the virus. It is a very concerning time for cancer patients, survivors and their families and it is also a very challenging time for fundraising.

We still need your support to help us find new ways to fight cancer but also want you to stay at home. So be creative and use the app to track laps of garden or lengths of the kitchen or if you are leaving your house stay within the 2 km radius and maintain at least 2m social distancing at all times.

Run on your own but stay connected with others who also want to help make more cancer survivors. Be part of Team Breakthrough. Challenge your friends, family and colleagues to do it too, in their own time, in their own place.

Breakthrough Cancer Research does not receive any government funding and so without the support of people like you the type of research that has already led to 8 new treatments moving from the lab to the clinic will just stop.

We cannot let that happen. 

We still need to raise €2million this year to fund life-saving cancer research programmes and help bring ideas from the lab all the way to the patient clinics where they are most needed.

Many events are cancelled. You can ensure The Race That Nearly Wasn’t goes ahead. You can help save lives.

Official Race App

Download the app now from one of these links.

How to take part

Completed your From April 1st through to May 24th the challenge will be live in the “Your Virtual Race” App - here is what you need to do to be ready for the virtual run:

1. Download the Your Virtual Run App on iOS or Android, links below
2. Please ensure you allow the app to use your location
3. Navigate to the “Challenges” tab in the App
4. Click on the “Salesforce MAy 40km” Challenge and click “join challenge”
5. The challenge opens on May 1st until May 30th.
6. When you are ready to run/walk/jog, navigate back to the challenge page and record your journey, ensuring to click start and stop when finished.
7. You can run or walk as often as you like during May until you reach your 40km target, please use the app each time.

Please ensure that your press "Save your run" on the app when you have run/walk. 


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